回复 :李国富(罗京民 饰)和儿子平娃(孙波 饰)一起过着相依为命的生活,令辛辛苦苦将平娃拉扯长大的李国富感到心塞的是,尽管平娃已经是奔三的男人了,可他的一堆大事却还要自己操心,更糟糕的是,平娃似乎还处于叛逆期中,对父亲干涉自己的人生感到十分不满。李国富帮儿子找工作、找老婆,却还是放心不下,与此同时,他还是广场舞小分队中的领袖人物,为了领导队伍殚精竭虑。为了向儿子证明自己的能力,一把年纪的李国富毅然报名参加了选秀比赛,将自己的生活弄得鸡飞狗跳。幸运的是,李国富并不是白忙一场,他忙来了亲情,更忙来了久违的爱情。
回复 :简介:黑道枭雄沙无忌之独子沙亮无恶不作,铁捕头南宫啸将他擒捉,依法斩首。沙无忌遭此段根之恨,不知反省,反而嘱其手下总管对南宫家人,施以报复……导演:林福地副导演:徐锦文剪辑:林善良音乐:周福良编剧:古龙摄影:密兆新美术:顾毅武术指导:梁少松出品:台联影业有限公司 香港欣欣影业公司摄制:国松有限公司 香港欣欣影业公司主演:岳華陳星潘迎紫聞江龍尹寶蓮高飛金石
回复 :Classic British comedy adapted from a James Thurber story about a tweed manufacturer's elderly accountant who devises a plan to save the company from an American takeover bid. The arrival of an efficiency expert from the States causes enough of a stir but, when it turns out to be a woman, the old-fashioned number cruncher declares war. Man-eating businesswoman, Angela Barrows is sent by her US company to Edinburgh to investigate export opportunities. She meets businessman Robert MacPherson en route and he persuades her to help bring his company into the 20th century. The staff, lead by Mr. Martin, have other ideas and a battle between the old and new business methods breaks out.