回复 :故事聚焦《纽约时报》女记者乔迪·坎托尔(佐伊·卡赞 饰)与梅根·吐赫(凯瑞·穆里根 饰),她们联手撰写了这个世代最重要的一篇报道,进而引发#MeToo运动,不但揭发了好莱坞数十年来默许的性侵真相,也永远改变了美国文化。影片根据畅销书《她说:打破性骚扰的故事,帮助点燃了一场运动》(She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement)改编。
回复 :Tin Men is one of my favorite movies of all time. The thing that always strikes me whenever I watch this movie is that while the characters of Richard Dreyfuss and Danny DeVito are seemingly feuding non-stop throughout the movie, in reality they are actually kindred spirits. It's like they see themselves in the other but don't really like what they see. Barbara Hershey is great as the haggard housewife who looks for something more fulfilling in her life. All the supporting cast is excellent. I love the diner dialog which is reminiscent of Barry Levinson's previous film "Diner." The background scenes of Baltimore landscape add to the realistic atmosphere of the movie. Overall, I think this movie is vastly underrated. I'd love to see a sequel with Dreyfuss and DeVito as partners in a VW dealership.
回复 :詹妮弗·洛佩兹饰演的离婚少妇,与隔壁邻居,年轻学生诺阿(《舞出我人生》男星瑞安·古兹曼饰)擦出火花,生活随之急转直下……J Lo扮演一位教师,丈夫是个花心大萝卜,离婚后不久,隔壁搬来一位英俊美少年诺阿,他与自己的儿子关系融洽,他去她的班上上课,他说她很美。于是他们越走越近,东风一夜之后,J Lo想要中断这不伦的关系,诺阿却成了危险,变态的跟踪狂,要毁了她的生活,她的工作,她的一切。