回复 :《出差十五夜》是拥有20年经历的综艺游戏专家导演罗䁐锡PD,前往需要游戏服务的地方进行综艺配送的节目。第1季与各领域的嘉宾见面,YouTube视频累计播放量突破1亿5千万。同时,公布的第2季海报中可以看到“十五夜”频道的卡通形象以及高帽、龙珠、毽子、乒乓球等罗PD经常使用的游戏道具。
回复 :第二次世界大战是人类史上规模最大的国际性冲突,计有200多个国家卷入其中,夺走了5千5百万条人命,实质损失更高达30亿美元。这场战争左右着全球三分之一人口的生活,多数人的生活都受到一定程度的影响。今年适逢第二次世界大战终战70周年,Discovery频道的特别推出《二战70周年特辑》将带您从不同的角度深入检视这场战争。《二战70周年特辑》各集简介:二次大战全彩实录:山雨欲来本系列从史上最大的矛盾为出发点。
回复 :For the past eight years, the U.S. Army's Sniper School at Fort Benning, Ga., has hosted the International Sniper Competition; where elite two-man teams compete to earn the coveted title of "top sniper." In this grueling competition, the participants' precision, camouflage, stalking and observational skills are put to the ultimate test.Eighteen challenging events examine the teams' expertise in long-range shooting, urban combat and covert maneuvering through realistic conflicts and environments. Bringing together the most elite snipers from around the world, the competition showcases thirty-three teams from branches of the U.S. Army, Marines, and Air Force, and for the first time ever includes a law enforcement team-a SWAT team from Pittsburgh, Pa. The international field includes representatives from Canada, Denmark, France and Ireland. Since some military teams are comprised of active special forces, the identities of many of the competitors have been concealed in order to ensure the safety of the personnel.