回复 :After Jason (9) is abandoned by his mother at a folk festival, he takes refuge in a forest cabin belonging to a mute loner. A series of circumstances eventually lead them to form a family - something both have lacked for a while.
回复 :After joining the Military following the death of his mother, Jake Williams returns home from war to his Father, Paul, and his sister, Brittney. Shortly after making amends with his father, Paul, for leaving them, Jake is left with the struggle of taking care of his sister and his fathers multi-million dollar company after Paul is killed in a car accident. After a mobster named Joe gets information of Jake's situation, Joe kidnaps Brittney and holds her for a ransom. Jake decides to take it into his own hands to save his sister, but will he stop Joe from fulfilling his evil plan...
回复 :故事发生在清末民初时期,九河下梢天津卫,四面八方的豪杰高手云集于此。武林高手东方旭(李俊峰 饰)打把势卖艺,期间与神州武术馆掌门何大海以拳会友,更结识了沾亲带故并有一身绝学的行脚郎中神掌李(张云溪 饰)。经过神掌李的指点传授,本就武功高强的东方旭突飞猛进,将八卦掌练得炉火纯青。就在此时,俄罗斯大力士达德洛夫耀武扬威来到天津卫,仗着自己的蛮力和不败的战绩趾高气昂,目中无人。火爆脾气的何大海出头,谁知遭到奸人暗算。而东方旭慨然出战,要为炎黄老爷们儿们挣得一口气,绝不甘心受洋人的欺凌和嘲弄。东方旭和武术家们由此上演了一段流传甚广的武林传奇……