活下A singer holes up at a sinister estate to write new songs for his act. The ghost of his murdered wife begins to haunt him, then the person who actually killed her shows up at the mansion.
活下A singer holes up at a sinister estate to write new songs for his act. The ghost of his murdered wife begins to haunt him, then the person who actually killed her shows up at the mansion.
回复 :上士麥科受到富豪哈利的雇用,帶領探險隊潛入有死亡之林之稱的熱帶叢林,企圖尋找西班牙帝國留下的寶物:一只鑲有紅寶石的匕首。他們進入叢林後很快便找到寶藏,本以為可以輕鬆交差,卻發現傳說中滅絕的仰巴里民族竟在樹林深處虎視眈眈,腳下枯枝藤蔓都活了過來,放肆地對這群入侵者展開一場血腥屠殺
回复 :当一对无情的流浪汉带着他和他的家人去恶梦般的公路旅行时,一位学校老师被迫面对他过去的残酷行为。
回复 :用詹姆斯·韦伯望远镜拍摄遥远星系,栩栩如生的照片令人浮想联翩。这部纪录片记录了这台望远镜从开发到推出的历史过程。