回复 :60年代末朝鲜半岛南北局势紧张,双方都展开了疯狂的间谍与刺杀行动。1968年1月,康仁灿(薛景求饰)因谋杀罪名成立而被判死刑的,在行刑前突然被召到拘留室,与特种部队军官讨论替代死刑的条件,他将被送到西南部荒岛实尾岛接受特别军事训练。同时,另外30名死囚也接受了特种部队军官的条件,被征召到实尾岛执行特别任务。这31名死囚乘坐渔船到达实尾岛后,便在上级崔在贤中尉(安圣基饰)宣布下,组成了以刺杀朝鲜元首金日成为目标的“684北派部队”,并随即接受一连串地狱式的体能和军事训练。可是在三年后,由于韩国政府国策的改变,“684北派部队”的计划被取消,31名队员则前途未卜。他们纷感被国家出卖,只能设法自救……
回复 :When blonde bombshell Meredith Lake breezes into his office, New York private eye Bob Signorelli can’t resist giving her “personal” attention. But their one-night stand becomes a deadly liaison when they are linked to a homicide; and a night of steamy passion snowballs into a marathon of madness and murder.
回复 :In the spring of 2009 two Norwegian adventurers, Joshua French and Tjostolv Moland, are accused of killing their hired chauffeur just before crossing into the eastern Congo. The following manhunt starts a political and diplomatic headache.