生中In December 1776, Benjamin Franklin is world famous for his electrical experiments. But his passion and power are put to the test when he embarks on a secret mission to France — with the fate of American independence hanging in the balance.
生中In December 1776, Benjamin Franklin is world famous for his electrical experiments. But his passion and power are put to the test when he embarks on a secret mission to France — with the fate of American independence hanging in the balance.
回复 :大学刚毕业代替老妈上夜班,居然被男人直接拉上了床!沒想到在去面试总裁助理时,意外得知他就是顾总!沒想到就那次,我就怀上了他的孩子,害怕穿小鞋的我连夜出逃!
回复 :《绝不认输》讲述了一对律师夫妇在离婚的过程中发生的让人又哭又笑的故事。尹相炫和崔智友将在剧中饰演夫妇,此外,包括金正泰,朴元淑,赵美玲等在内的华丽阵容和李秀景等明星的友情客串都令本剧值得期待。
回复 :野野山修一(金子统昭 饰)和町田律子(小西真奈美 饰)是一对交往十年、同居八年的恋人。漫长的爱情赛跑,让他们早已成为相互知根知底亲人一般的关系,热恋时候的激情早已退却,代之以但如白水一般的日常,有时甚至都感觉不到爱情的存在,许多心里话也选择隐藏心底。野野山曾鼓起勇气求婚,但小小的意外让他们错过了走入婚姻殿堂的机会。生活中充满各种各样的小事件,不同程度考验着小野和律子对彼此的情感。爱很平凡,爱不简单,早已度过激情时期甚至七年之痒的两人,该如何在尚未结束的长跑中继续下去呢?本片根据日暮キノコ的原作改编。