苍老Kiran, a 1st-generation Punjabi trucker and anxious dad-to-be, stumbles across Elena, a 9-year-old undocumented Mexican-American, who changes his expectations of family as he takes her cross-country to find home.
苍老Kiran, a 1st-generation Punjabi trucker and anxious dad-to-be, stumbles across Elena, a 9-year-old undocumented Mexican-American, who changes his expectations of family as he takes her cross-country to find home.
回复 :尼加拉瓜大瀑布,一段离奇惊险的蜜月之旅。刚结婚不久的新郎赛拉斯·帕克(詹姆斯·弗兰科 James Franco饰)与新娘卡蜜儿·福斯特(西耶娜·米勒 Sienna Miller饰)踏上了这次危情冒险之旅。脾气阴晴不定的赛拉斯是个刚刚被假释的小偷,而活泼单纯的卡蜜儿正是他保释官的侄女。赛拉斯一心只想利用这次蜜月之旅逃往加拿大,卡蜜儿则坚信这次尼加拉瓜瀑布之旅,能够彻底改变赛拉斯。然而一场突如其来的车祸,瞬间夺去了卡蜜儿的生命。当赛拉斯前去报警时,却惊奇的发现卡蜜儿起死回生。随后更发生了一连串不可思议的离奇事件。
回复 :No matter the cost, No matter the danger. They will find the truth.A judge commits suicide, and his secretary is found murdered. A homeless deaf-mute man, Carl Anderson is arrested for her murder. Public defender Kathleen is assigned by the court as his lawyer. She sets to find the real killer, and gets help from the congressional advisor, Eddie Sanger who is called to be on the jury panel. Together they discover a dangerous circle of corruption in high places.本片描述的是由女书记员凶杀案而引出的一系列官场上的是非之事。一个精明得七情六欲尽写在脸上的陪审员,他一方面为了本身的政治游说工作不惜和徐娘半老的女议员上床,另一方面则主动热心地帮忙辩护律师搜集证据查案。由于按法律规定,辩护律师是不得跟陪审员来往的,而事情的发展却逼得两人之间的关系越陷越深。
回复 :电影《永安镇故事集》是一部“关于电影”的电影,叙述了一个剧组入住拍摄地,给这个原本宁静的小镇带来一丝波澜,然而波澜过后,一切又重归宁静的故事。影片分为三个章节——独自等待、看上去很美、冥王星时刻,小镇和剧组串联起三个章节的故事和其中的人物——与小镇格格不入的饭店老板娘、回不去故乡的女明星、陷入创作分歧的导演与编剧……因为剧组的到来,每一个置身这座小镇的人心中都荡起一丝涟漪,但涟漪终会散去,一切也终将重归平静。