潮汕青年阿德(田一德 饰)自小就在父亲的严厉要求下学习英歌舞,叛逆的他与父亲发叔(徐少武 饰)较劲,于是放弃英歌舞独自去大城市打拼。多年后,生意受挫的阿德回到老家筹措周转资金,因一场英歌舞大赛而与小时候的玩伴绮雯(陈妍臻 饰)、星际阿龙(许淳玮 饰)、星际阿福(庄佐 饰)和阿武(麦君 饰)重聚,向着英歌舞大赛的冠军之位前进。经历重重困难,他们究竟能否顺利实现传统英歌舞与街舞的完美融合在英歌舞大赛的舞台上呈现不一样的英歌魂......
潮汕青年阿德(田一德 饰)自小就在父亲的严厉要求下学习英歌舞,叛逆的他与父亲发叔(徐少武 饰)较劲,于是放弃英歌舞独自去大城市打拼。多年后,生意受挫的阿德回到老家筹措周转资金,因一场英歌舞大赛而与小时候的玩伴绮雯(陈妍臻 饰)、星际阿龙(许淳玮 饰)、星际阿福(庄佐 饰)和阿武(麦君 饰)重聚,向着英歌舞大赛的冠军之位前进。经历重重困难,他们究竟能否顺利实现传统英歌舞与街舞的完美融合在英歌舞大赛的舞台上呈现不一样的英歌魂......
回复 :西蒙(凯德·麦拉德 Kad Merad 饰)曾是一名非常有名的小提琴演奏家,对这项乐器充满了热情与喜爱,可是如今,他却现身巴黎的一所初中之中,成为了那里的一群六年级孩子们的小提琴老师。西蒙对待音乐的态度非常的严肃,他自己的个性也十分不苟言笑,因此无法和班上的孩子们打成一片,孩子们在调皮捣蛋的同时也非常惧怕这位老师。阿诺(艾尔弗雷德·雷利 Alfred Renely 饰)是一个非常害羞的男孩,和班上的其他孩子不同,他对待小提琴有着和西蒙一样的热爱。阿诺的憧憬渐渐点燃了西蒙内心里快要熄灭的火焰,在阿诺的影响下,西蒙找到了人生新的方向。
回复 :The boisterous, arrogant professor Challenger, a reputed biologist and anthropologist, dares the London Zoological Society to mount an expedition to verify his spectacular claim, without physical proof, that his previous expedition to the Amazonian basin found live dinosaurs. Apart from him and his 'socialite' counterpart, professor Summerlee, it consists of experienced discoverer Lord Roxbury, the young reporter Ed Malone -who got publicly struck down with Challenger's umbrella at his arrival- and Jennifer Holmes, Malone's news agency's boss's daughter, essentially as conditions for putting up the money. In Brazil they are joined by Jennifer's brother David and local 'guide' Manuel Gomez. They soon discover the dinosaurs are real and dangerous, like giant spiders, but loose their helicopter and thus are desperate for a way down from the isolated plateau. They learn Roxbury knew about the fate of Burton White, an explorer whose diary they find, thus presume to be dead, in search of diamonds, and confirmation of the local tribe being the lethal guardians of the plateau's secrets, but also get surprising help...
回复 :这是一个不同寻常的学期,魔法学校的盛事:三强争霸赛在霍格沃茨举行。学生们争先报名,希翼获得永恒无上的荣誉。火焰杯在选出三所学校的三名勇士后,竟将未足年龄的哈利也挑选出来。哈利(Daniel Radcliffe饰)的当选引起其他学生的嫉妒连连,就连铁哥们罗恩(Rupert Grint饰)也首次和他闹起了别扭,哈利感到孤立无援,还好有教父小天狼星和赫敏一直支持他。可总有些好事者如记者丽塔等着看他的好戏。天知道这场比赛是何等艰辛危险,在龙的眼皮下偷蛋,潜入湖底救人,在迷宫中探险……一不小心,甚至可能付出生命的代价。黑魔王伏地魔的威胁渐渐显现,每一天都险象环生,动人心弦。