在手機及互聯網泛濫的年代,亚洲傳統而戆直的武德輝(李思捷飾),亚洲只想帶同渴求出國旅遊的妻兒,到十五年前求婚、連Wi-Fi 都没有的荒野營地,慶祝一番; 誰料卻引來了帶著半生誤解及鄙視的車神父親、廚神賢母、神怪搗蛋大哥!還有活於冷漠科技世界的富豪、神秘的營地管理人、兒時的初戀! 而德輝更誤打誤撞,把自家的Wi-Fi 蛋與傳說中的神秘巨鳥的蛋調換了...透過不崇尚科技、講求默契關愛的團隊比賽,父子、眾人能否冰釋前嫌 ?
在手機及互聯網泛濫的年代,亚洲傳統而戆直的武德輝(李思捷飾),亚洲只想帶同渴求出國旅遊的妻兒,到十五年前求婚、連Wi-Fi 都没有的荒野營地,慶祝一番; 誰料卻引來了帶著半生誤解及鄙視的車神父親、廚神賢母、神怪搗蛋大哥!還有活於冷漠科技世界的富豪、神秘的營地管理人、兒時的初戀! 而德輝更誤打誤撞,把自家的Wi-Fi 蛋與傳說中的神秘巨鳥的蛋調換了...透過不崇尚科技、講求默契關愛的團隊比賽,父子、眾人能否冰釋前嫌 ?
回复 :This French family film is filled with action, animals, adventure, and suspense. The story is told from a child's viewpoint. One day, while playing in his secret tree house in the forest, 11-year old Antoine spies upon bank robbers stashing 40-million francs worth of loot. One of the robbers is the father of his newest best friend Lisa, a 10-year old Canadian visitor. Not wanting to rat on her father, Antoine instead moves the money to a different spot. Neither he, nor Lisa have a lot of respect for their frequently absent fathers. They find adults to be inherently hypocritical. Both kids do share a love of animals though. Together, they decide to run away to Biarritz, a resort town, and start spending a little money. The thieves are livid when they discover their stash is missing, particularly Max, and they try, unsuccessfully to catch the kids. Antoine is assisted by his muscular governess Clemence as he and Lisa suffer through numerous narrow escapes while spending their ill-gotten gain. - Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide
回复 :影片由六个风格迥异的故事组成,讲述一群人在除夕当日发生的一连串奇遇囧事。在新年的前夜,或是团聚、或是旅行,人们选择不同的方式度过这充满仪式感的时刻,而剧中的主角们却在旅程中遭遇着各种意外,有被逼婚的、有流落异乡的、也有暴发户装逼遭“雷劈”的。在一串令人爆笑的旅程意外后,人生的答案充满希望的出现在他们面前,在笑泪相伴的故事背后,却是充满真挚情感的惊喜。
回复 :2019年11月,刀锋跑者霍顿(Morgan Paull 饰)在泰瑞尔公司对新员工进行沃伊特-坎普夫测试时,被技师里昂·科瓦尔斯基(Brion James 饰)枪击。警监布莱恩特(M. Emmet Walsh 饰)不得不命老牌刀锋跑者戴克(Harrison Ford 饰)出马,猎杀复制人里昂、罗伊·巴蒂(Rutger Hauer 饰)、佐拉(Joanna Cassidy 饰)、普里斯(Daryl Hannah 饰)。戴克来到泰瑞尔公司调查,在艾登·泰瑞尔博士(Joe Turkel 饰)的请求下,对员工瑞秋(Sean Young 饰)进行了测试。百余问题之后,戴克判断瑞秋为复制人。而瑞秋本人对此真相竟一无所知……