回复 :一切都始于一次“平常”的事故。一名司机撞到一辆三轮车,结果掉进了沟里。开车的是五十多岁的路易斯,他是一名殡仪业者。在沟里的是伊戈尔,一个脑瘫的残疾人,爱好哲学。他每天运输有机蔬菜,远离外部世界和所有社交生活。他的旅伴是苏格拉底、斯宾诺莎和尼采。对于身边的男女,他一无所知,忽略了所有或几乎所有关于感性、友谊、性和周遭真实发生的一切。这两人即将开始一场超出他们想象的冒险。
回复 :两名书呆子高中生在学校地下室偶然发现了隐藏的外星人盔甲和武器,于是他们变成了高科技超级英雄。但是,当这些外星宝藏的主人回来取回时,他们会怎么做呢
回复 :Jonas, a 40 something Parisian, is still desperately in love with his ex-girlfriend Léa. When he knocks on her door to confess his feelings and she turns him down, he ends up at the café downstairs.Inspiration strikes and he sits down to write her a long love letter, dodging everything he was supposed to do that day. What begins as a last attempt to get her back surprisingly turns into a vivid musing on the state of his life.Over the course of a day, helped by a wisecracking bartender and an array of patrons from the neighborhood, Jonas has to face his past relationships, his uncertain future and, most of all, himself.