回复 :This film is not about the revolution that changed Ukraine this winter. Not exactly. It rather shows a universal pattern of particular kind of uprisings - those ones that end with bloodshed. At first, the noble endeavor for freedom collides with the dark force of repressive rulers. Then eventually, after much confusion and chaos, the righteous anger of people changes to pure outrage. And when the first casualties on both sides fall, no matter how black and white it seems from outside, the edge between good and bad blurs when one looks from the epicenter of a battle. And finally, all things ablaze.
回复 :优实在大学读设计专业。有一天,她发现自己怀孕了。她的男朋友名叫直哉,二人因设计戏剧宣传单结缘。直哉有时拒绝采取避孕措施,但优实并不能确定他是否就是孩子的父亲,并为此十分烦恼。然而,随着直哉逐渐试图接受现实,二人却愈发两歧遂分。
回复 :故事围绕一对年近五十的姐弟展开——爱丽丝是演员,路易斯是教师和诗人。他们不再互相交谈,二十多年来一直在躲避对方,但父母的去世将迫使他们走上歧途。