回复 :Abandoned by his father at the age of five and raised in near isolation by a loving, yet emotionally unstable and over-protective mother, the only life Peel Munter has ever known is within the confines of his childhood home. Upon his mother's unexpected death, 30-year-old Peel is left lost and utterly alone. With no job, family, or friends, he must make a choice; live as his mother did, lonely and unsettled, or change the course of his impending fate by breaking out into the unknown, facing the trials and tribulations of an outside world he doesn't understand. Unable to make the house payments, Peel decides to take in a couple of drifters as roommates. After forging what seems to be a burgeoning new family and brotherhood, one of the roommates betrays Peel's trust, compelling Peel to venture out in search of his long-lost, real brothers who had been taken away from him decades ago. Along the way, Peel's lack of cynicism and innocence has an inadvertent, yet powerful effect on those he meets, as he brings a group of marginalized misfits closer to their true home.
回复 :The film tells futurist, architect, and inventor R. Buckminster Fuller's incredible story through two teens hoping to get laid, become punk gods, and survive high school.
回复 :故事发生在解放初期,经过艰苦奋斗,新中国终于建立起来,然而在我国边陲的深山老林仍有国民党残余势力以及根深蒂固的土匪团伙割据一方,为非作歹,妄图颠覆我党的政权。西南边陲某个馒尼族人聚集的格黑寨正是匪患严重的典型。为了摸清并清除匪患,解放军某部派出侦察连,莽勒戈和果沙乔装打扮接近当地人,谁知却遭到匪徒袭击,关键时刻莽勒戈被偷偷跟来的儿子救下。父子俩所掌握的秘密情报关系着任务的成败,他们将用生命来捍卫它,无论遭遇怎样的艰难险阻和血肉折磨……本片根据李迪小说《这里是恐怖的森林》改编