国产观On the H.M.S. Defiant, during the French Revolutionary Wars, fair Captain Crawford is locked in a battle of wills against his cruel second-in-command Lt. Scott-Paget whose heavy-handed command style pushes the crew to mutiny.
国产观On the H.M.S. Defiant, during the French Revolutionary Wars, fair Captain Crawford is locked in a battle of wills against his cruel second-in-command Lt. Scott-Paget whose heavy-handed command style pushes the crew to mutiny.
回复 :格雷戈(Ben Stiller 本•斯蒂勒 饰)在上一集过五关、斩六将,终于凭着一份执着感动了未来岳父(罗伯特•德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰),答应了他和潘米拉(Teri Polo特莉•保罗 饰)的婚事。本以为就此抱得美人归,然而,别忘了,还有亲家互相见面这一关。格雷戈的父母不像他们的亲家一般古板、对子女高要求、拒绝新事物。他们的教育方式另有一套:他们会为格雷戈在比赛中得第十名而高兴、会像朋友一样取消笑格雷戈的初夜失身、会以开放的姿态看待性、父亲会以母亲的成就为骄傲等等。这样两家风格完全不一样的亲家聚头,无论什么样的荒诞搞笑、无厘头场面都有可能发生,这对准新人能否顺利度过这一关?
回复 :地球物理学家田所雄介博士(小林桂树 饰)带领自己的团队前往深海科考,却发现海底出现异常龟裂与乱泥流,在一系列调查之后,他得出来日本列岛在一年后即将沉没的结论。可是日本政府的官员们却认为田所博士的预测只不值得相信的谎言。只有山本首相(石坂浩二 饰)认识到事态的严重性,并且委任田所的前妻鹰森沙织(大地真央 饰)为危机管理大臣,带领田所博士和他们的团队设法拯救日本。很快,从北海道开始,日本诸岛先生发生大规模的地质灾害,整个日本陷入一片恐慌。政府对于灾害束手无措,仅有的海外移居政策完全不能应对急剧恶化的态势,日本诸岛完全沉没的现实即将上演。最终,田中博士和自己的科考队员们终于找到一个可以挽救日本的方法,但这个方法的实际操作却困难重重……此片改编自日本科幻小说家小松左京的同名畅销小说,该片斥资20亿日元,是近年来日本影坛投资最大、宣传最大的灾难片。
回复 :Based on the bestselling book of the same name, The Beckoning Silence follows mountain climber Joe Simpson as he takes on one of toughest challenges of his career. Fresh from his horrific ordeal in the Peruvian Andes--as recounted in the Oscar-winning documentary "Touching The Void"--Simpson attempts to ascend the treacherous North Face of the Eiger, a mountain that has claimed the lives of more than 60 people. Faced with growing anxiety and doubt, Simpson pushes onward and upward in his unyielding quest to traverse some of the world's most inhospitable terrain. The Beckoning Silence is a powerful testament to the endurance of the human spirit in extreme conditions.