回复 :本片讲述一个12岁的完美主义女孩发现了一个奇怪的蛋,她把蛋藏起来不让苛刻的母亲看到。而当蛋孵化时,一个像鸟一样的生物出现了。
回复 :One of our favourite natural history subjects, the good old dinosaur, gets a makeover and then some in this fantastically ambitious and groundbreaking documentary. Based on cutting-edge palaeontology and the latest fossil records, DINOTASIA presents a series of vignettes about dinosaurs - both familiar faces and some we have only found out about in the past ten years. The film uses CGI to bring the stories to life, but draws on animation's birth in silent film and early Disney to create proper, traditional visual storytelling. Werner Herzog narrates, reuniting with the team behind GRIZZLY MAN and CAVE OF FORGOTTEN DREAMS.
回复 :忙碌了一天的精神病院监护区的年轻护士凯伦(Ilona Elkin 饰),乘坐最后一班地铁回家。然而地铁却在隧道中间突然停下,紧接着一场血腥大屠杀降临车厢之中。一群狂热的信徒打着拯救灵魂的旗号向乘客们展开残酷杀戮,凯伦和其他幸存者侥幸逃出车厢,不过那群嗜血者仍杀气腾腾地紧随其后。在没有一丝光线的隧道中,生与死的大逃亡就此拉开序幕……本片荣获2007年奥斯汀奇幻电影节Next Wave Special Jury奖、2007年幻想亚洲电影节最佳欧美影片奖。