回复 :该片讲述的是流亡的朝鲜数学家作为韩国高等学校数学老师来到韩国后发生的故事。崔岷植将化身为流亡的朝鲜数学家,展现特有的领袖魅力与弟子们温暖的师生化学反应。
回复 :老于头(陈裕德 饰)闻言女儿小燕(马羚 饰)要当人体模特,差点气疯,他扯着老伴(丁一 饰)到美院画室一探究竟,却发现是为给丈夫石锁治病才鼓足勇气来当模特的农村妇女春杏(黎静 饰)。老师问老于头来画室干啥,他一时无言以对,吱吱唔唔地说来当模特,师生们信以为真,结果老于头落荒而逃。石锁认为妻子当模特丢人现眼,坚决与其离了婚。平日看似正经的贾老三趁机图谋不轨,不料被小燕识破其丑恶嘴脸。老于头得知小燕真当了模特,发誓从此不认这个女儿。谁知儿子竟爱上离婚的春杏,老于头怒不可竭地要将儿子轰出家门,谁知此举惹恼了老伴,自己反而差点被扫地出门......
回复 :ANDRZEJ WAJDA: LET'S SHOOT! is an extraordinary record of a few months of struggle on the set, showing an atmosphere of work and a picture of immense film machinery, and at same time presenting the truest and intimate portrait of the Master of Polish Cinema, the Oscar winner. In 1957 Andrzej Wajda won the Silver Palm in Cannes for his film 'Canal', along with 'Seventh seal' by Ingmar Bergman. We meet him 50 years later, as the author of many important films, such as 'Ashes and Diamonds', 'Man of Marble' or 'Danton', now directing one the most important films in his career, 'Katyń', about the massacre in which thousands of Polish officers, including Wajda's father, were murdered by the Soviets, during World War II - a tragedy left unspoken for decades.