回复 :
回复 :After defeating the aliens and saving Earth, the Legends find themselves stranded in 1925 Odessa, Texas with a destroyed Waverider. Wanting to help fix things, Astra tries using her powers, which creates www.tuikan.cc unwanted attention from the town and that of the new Director of the Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, and a surprise no one expected. Realizing they need to escape, Sara and Ava create a distraction by going on a crime spree with Hoover hot on their tails. Meanwhile, Zari is finding it hard to get over Constantine, so Behrad suggests the only thing he knows that can help.
回复 :洪定威本来是香港HKFIRM 律师楼 老板之一兼执业律师,但却因一次上庭时冲动之下冒犯了法官而被吊销了律师执照。屋漏偏逢连夜雨,合伙人这是卷款潜逃,一时令到 HKFIRM 恶名昭著,稍有经验、名声的律师都不敢和HKFIRM扯上关系,怕玷污了自己的名声。洪定威决意继续经营HKFIRM,既然找不来有经验的律师,于是他开始招募新入行的律师。律师新人乐斌(林峰 饰)因为形象蛊惑,被原来的律师楼辞退了,别无选择之下只好来到了HKFIRM;新人伟名(陈键锋 饰)在大律师楼里一直在做打杂跟班的工作,为了获得上庭机会,打响名气,也投靠到了HKFIRM;清玲(胡杏儿 饰)因为在庭上自把自为,被师傅扫地出门后也来到了HKFIRM;伟名的最求者思嘉(廖碧儿 饰)为了能也心上人日夕相对,也来到了这里。于是,全港最希奇古怪、最没有经验的律师全都齐集这里了,这群新人律师将在这...