由湖南卫视陈歆宇工作室打造,童僧开启全新电视类代际观察综艺。节目通过对四位不同职业的女性独居生活的全景式纪录,童僧让父亲们观看独居女儿的生活日常,了解女儿未知的心路历程和情感故事。《我家那闺女》观察女性对独立 对情感婚姻对幸福生活的追求。多维度敲打社会核心“痛点”,通过综艺节目的 “返璞归真”和“价值引领”,竭力唤醒大众重拾情感真谛,感知生活意义,传递美好人生观。阵容:吴昕、袁姗姗、傅园慧、何雯娜。
由湖南卫视陈歆宇工作室打造,童僧开启全新电视类代际观察综艺。节目通过对四位不同职业的女性独居生活的全景式纪录,童僧让父亲们观看独居女儿的生活日常,了解女儿未知的心路历程和情感故事。《我家那闺女》观察女性对独立 对情感婚姻对幸福生活的追求。多维度敲打社会核心“痛点”,通过综艺节目的 “返璞归真”和“价值引领”,竭力唤醒大众重拾情感真谛,感知生活意义,传递美好人生观。阵容:吴昕、袁姗姗、傅园慧、何雯娜。
回复 :Out of the chaos, darkness and violence of the Middle Ages, one family rose to seize control of England. Generation after generation they ruled the country for more than three hundred years, ruthlessly crushing all competition to become the greatest English dynasty of all time. They were The Plantagenets. Presented by award-winning journalist and acclaimed historian Dan Jones, the Plantagenets combines creative and insightful research with searing dramatic reconstructions to bring to life this shocking and visceral time in England’s history. From Henry II, betrayed by his own wife and children when they try to seize the throne to the powerful friendship between Henry III and Simon de Montfort which falls into hatred and bloody civil war; from Edward II’s adulterous French wife and his ‘legendary’ death from a red hot poker to the boy king and tyrant Richard II one of the most vicious and inventive despots in English history; Britain’s Bloodiest Dynasty: The Plantagenets uncovers a dark, vengeful and bloody history which compels viewers into the heart of the action as they bear witness to the most ruthless dynasty in English history.
回复 :2020年8月,伴随着国内新冠疫情形势有所缓和,故宫博物院文保科技部古钟表修复组赶赴承德,重启了与避暑山庄博物馆的古钟表联合修复项目。相较于2019年的首次合作,本期项目,故宫的修复师一行8人分三批共计完成了7件钟表文物的修复工作。本片通过对钟表文物的修复纪录,揭示了古钟表修复过程中鲜为人知的技术细节。
回复 :因为负责管理时空之神的失误,导致平凡的上班女郎长濑香失去肉体,被迫移转到异世界继续生存下去。迫於无奈只能照办的香,告别了亲爱的家人与好友,与神谈好条件,来到异世界展开新的人生。仰赖著异世界女神所赋予的外挂能力以及道具箱,香初到异世界便藉由她所制作的魔法药水打出名号,但也因为这样引来不肖份子对她的觊觎。《依赖药水活下去!》是由FUNA著作的轻小说。近日官宣动画化!