回复 :2014年世界盃足球赛开赛的前几周,Discovery频道的《巴西世足赛大建设》节目将深入探究巴西规模最大的工程计划。本系列节目介绍三座先进体育场的改善与兴建工程,以便举办全球最精采的赛事之一。 《巴西世足赛大建设》以独一无二的深入观点介绍里约热内卢最具代表性的马拉卡纳体育场改善工程,以及位于圣保罗现代化高科技的哥林多人体育场兴建工程,这座体育场走在时代尖端,采用了许多全球首见的先进技术。最后是造价高昂、规模庞大的亚马逊体育场,这座体育场就建在巴西雨林里
回复 :As Hampton Court Palace celebrates its 500th anniversary in 2015, BBC Two brings a key event from the iconic building’s history vividly to life - the christening of Henry’s son and heir Prince Edward, the future Edward VI.With so few surviving buildings left associated with events from this period of British history and the reign of Henry VIII, Lucy Worsley and David Starkey offer audiences an unprecedented insight into Henry VIII’s world. Focusing on the events of 15 October 1537, A Night At Hampton Court Palace will recreate the occasion that was a culmination of nearly three decades of Henry’s rule - the birth of a male heir. As Lucy and David eavesdrop across time, they reveal how Henry’s household came together to create an event that would have been perceived as almost magical by those who witnessed it.They will recreate the 90-person grand procession that would have transported baby Edward to his torch-lit christening service. This was the best recorded occasion staged at Hampton Court during Henry's VIII's reign, and the detailed records allow Lucy and David to show how this great celebration used every part of the palace, from the royal apartments to the kitchens to the Chapel Royal.Offering a unique opportunity to reveal how the many elements of court life would have been brought together, from art to architecture, religion and music, A Night At Hampton Court Palace will capture a pageant that was deeply political but also carefully stage-managed piece of performance art.
回复 :小猪佩奇是一个可爱的但是有些小专横的小猪。她已经五岁了,与她的猪妈妈,猪爸爸,和弟弟乔治生活在一起。故事内容多数环绕日常生活,比如小孩子们参加学前游戏小组、探访祖父母和表亲、在游乐场游玩、踏单车等等。佩奇一家人来到土豆城市游玩,而其他的小伙伴也都来到了土豆城市,大家一起在土豆城市里观察蔬菜的成长,乘坐土豆火箭和蔬菜转转椅,他们都过了开心的一天。佩奇和乔治来寻找猪爸爸,见到猪爸爸正在计划造一座新房子,在猪爸爸的带领下佩奇和乔治来到工地观看新房子的建造过程。学校里来了新老师,见到新老师的时候大家发现老师竟然是猪爸爸,在猪爸爸的教导下,他们学习了篮球知识并和前来接小孩的大人展开了比赛。乔治和佩奇收到了远方的姑姑寄来的礼物,在拼装好礼物之后,佩奇和乔治为小玩具该叫什么名字而起了争执。佩奇和乔治带上自己的零钱前往狐狸先生的商店帮助猪爷爷和猪奶奶买一份生日礼物,...