厨神A bunch of young people are invited to a Caribbean cruise on a gangster's yacht, to distract the attention of the authorities. Unfortunately, a mutant cat which escaped from a test laboratory also gets on board, and kills most of the passengers.
厨神A bunch of young people are invited to a Caribbean cruise on a gangster's yacht, to distract the attention of the authorities. Unfortunately, a mutant cat which escaped from a test laboratory also gets on board, and kills most of the passengers.
回复 :middle-aged woman, traumatized from the death of her adulterous lover, moves into a room at a New Orleans boarding house where the blind landlord becomes suspicious to her activities of continuing her affair with her dead lover
回复 :由于人类利益熏心的商业科研行为,导致引出了南极深海巨型章鱼对南极国际科考站的报复,南极洲交通运输队员韩炼被卷入这场灾祸,为了将罗莎和队友强子带出,与巨型章鱼展开殊死搏斗,最终逃出生天。
回复 :这天无数往来于曼哈顿与新泽西州的海底隧道的美国民众像往常一样在隧道内抱怨着交通堵塞,岂料死神正在步步逼近。隧道内一辆装满化学物品的卡车意外发生了爆炸,强大的冲击力使得隧道坍塌了,出入口都被堵死了。此时,隧道内一片火海,弥漫着有毒烟雾,河水也在不断涌进,无数无辜的市民们能做似乎只有等死。救援队其实早到了,然而隧道被封,里面的有毒烟雾肆虐,救援人员迟迟不敢贸然动手。十万火急之际,出租车司机、前救援队队员骆查(西尔维斯特•史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)挺身而出了。他从通风口爬进了隧道,他稳定住了隧道内众人的情绪,带领大家开始了生死逃亡。