年最대감의 부인이 소설을 쓰면서 일어나는 사건을 그린 영화
年最대감의 부인이 소설을 쓰면서 일어나는 사건을 그린 영화
回复 :為了探尋生命的奧秘,學者安東尼招募了十二位「門徒」到避世莊園一起進行實驗討倫哲學、和操演,然而過程愈發離奇及不可收拾,終極解答是否存在?而迎接他們的是否真為來生?抑或是地獄走一遭?《十三門徒》有著雲翔導演一貫特立獨行的風格 —— 不受拘束、裸露、男色、性張力、甚至群交等元素。透過打破禁忌與道德觀的行為,思考其中的人性。
回复 :故事发生在20世纪30年代的上海,托德(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)是一位生活和事业都陷入了瓶颈的外交官,整日混迹于欢场和酒馆之间。刚刚来到这里的时候,托德也有过宏大和高远的理想,但渐渐失去的视力和复杂的权谋争斗让他无法再在职业的道路上前进下去。在一家夜总会里,托德结识了名叫索菲亚(娜塔莎·理查德森 Natasha Richardson 饰)女子。索菲亚曾是声名显赫的伯爵夫人,如今却沦为艳舞女郎,为了抚养十岁的女儿,她甚至不得不出卖自己的肉体。就是这样境遇相同的两人,不断的相互吸引着。不久之后,日侵华战争全面爆发,而此时,托德才发现了自己压抑已久的对于索菲亚的强烈爱意,这对心心相印的男女最终能否终成眷属呢?
回复 :The gripping true story of a young man’s journey from hero to alleged war criminal, the determined lawyer on his tail, and their search for truth in the fog of war.Anthony Boyle plays the real-life soldier Brian Wood, accused of war crimes in Iraq by the tenacious human rights lawyer Phil Shiner, played by Toby Jones.The two men go head to head in a legal and moral conflict that takes us from the battlefield - at so-called Checkpoint Danny Boy - to the courtroom, and one of Britain’s biggest ever public inquiries, the Al-Sweady Inquiry.Memory, evidence and trauma collide, as Brian finds himself caught on the fine line between war and unlawful killing. After his service in Iraq and years of legal investigation, will he ever be able to look his family in the eye again and be the husband, father, and son, they need him to be?Danny Boy is an urgent and thought-provoking drama that questions what we ask of those who fight - and kill - for their country.Danny Boy is made by Expectation for the BBC. It is written by Bafta-winner Robert Jones and directed by Sam Miller, and also stars Alex Ferns, Leah McNamara, Pauline Turner, Kiran Sonia Sawar, and Tom Vaughan-Lawlor. Executive Producers are Colin Barr and Susan Horth for Expectation, with Lucy Richer, Jo McClellan and Clare Sillery for the BBC.