钻石In order to cheer up recently divorced Chloe, her friend, Sam gives her a giant teddy bear, Bearry. As Chloe confides her wishes to Bearry, people close to her go missing or die. Is Chloe a murderer, is it her stalker? or is it Bearry?
钻石In order to cheer up recently divorced Chloe, her friend, Sam gives her a giant teddy bear, Bearry. As Chloe confides her wishes to Bearry, people close to her go missing or die. Is Chloe a murderer, is it her stalker? or is it Bearry?
回复 :A Black family in North Carolina battles decades of harassment by land developers trying to seize their waterfront property, in this searing documentary by Oscar-nominated director Raoul Peck (I Am Not Your Negro).
回复 :太阴教主七绝阎君为独霸武林,到处杀害江湖正派,其独门暗器“七绝阎王刺”奇毒无比。一向维护武林正义之两仪堡堡主蓝天龙,为免江湖浩劫,广邀各派掌门共商对策,正当众掌门齐集之际,蓝天龙已经中了七绝阎王刺,危在旦夕。蓝天龙之女蓝凤为救治其父,只身向鬼愁谷进发,寻找黑灵芝。蓝凤几经周折终于来到鬼愁谷,鬼愁谷谷主被蓝凤之孝心感动,赐予黑灵芝,并废去凤之武功。华山派弟子马家棠得悉后,竟强夺黑灵芝。
回复 :八十岁的阿涅斯·瓦尔达,在生日之际以《爱格尼斯的海滩》这部充满温情的幽默佳片为自己庆寿,实在是电影史上的一段佳话。影片利用重构的手法,她与丈夫德米电影中的一些片断来重现这位导演一生中的的重大事件。影片探讨的是人性,而非电影。观众可以看到,丈夫德米去世之前,阿涅斯一直过着无忧无虑的生活。