回复 :Shinobu and her class are preparing for a play for their school's cultural festival while Aya feels a little distanced from Shinobu for not having any elementary school memories with her. The story will takes us back to the past where Shinobu, Yoko, and Aya in their third year middle school year are preparing for their highschool entrance exam.
回复 :收录于BD&DVD第5卷中。
回复 :《月与莱卡与吸血公主》(日语:月とライカと吸血姫)是日本小说家牧野圭祐所创作的轻小说。插画由かれい负责。是以真实历史上的冷战太空竞赛为背景改编的架空世界观,叙述吸血鬼少女与人类青年为了登陆月球而共同努力的故事。