回复 :虹四格动画 第二季 制作决定!PV:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1og4y1r7RY/
回复 :因為疫情,香港不少朋友已數年未有外遊。泰國曼谷向來是港人的旅遊熱點之一,闊別近三年,大家或已對當地感到陌生。三位「女神」高海寧、彭慧中、陳星妤聯同「少年食神」林澄光率先探路,穿梭曼谷的大街小巷,發掘隱世地道美食與打卡景點。近年流行素食,主持們也會化身「找素」達人,介紹曼谷的滋味素食。遊泰國當然不能錯過「歎SPA」,女神們會親身上陣體驗各式SPA,務求為觀眾揭開最高CP值的歎世界攻略。
回复 :More than half of us now live in cities. Crowded, chaotic and bursting with life - these are places under pressure. In this brand new series, Dan Snow, Anita Rani and Ade Adepitan go behind the scenes to reveal the hidden systems and armies of people running some of the greatest cities on earth. Find out how Mexico City keeps its inhabitants safe from earthquakes, and meet local people who offer an inside look at life in metropolises like Delhi and Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Moscow's incredible architecture shows that the world's busiest cities also have some of the richest histories.