久久精品Leaving prison and suffering a Brain tumor Franck Denard( Alan Delabie) wants to make peace with himself and becomes a vigilante to free the town from Malik a local gangster working for Malandrin.
久久精品Leaving prison and suffering a Brain tumor Franck Denard( Alan Delabie) wants to make peace with himself and becomes a vigilante to free the town from Malik a local gangster working for Malandrin.
回复 :屠宰厂司机兰德执念找寻失踪多年的“妻子”阿琳,不惜悬赏重金。护林警察和单亲妈妈尚飞是兰德的租客,帮助兰德寻妻无果,劝兰德放弃执念。而小混混阿哲因女友丽丽和阿琳容貌相似,意图设计欺骗兰德换取悬赏金还清赌债。兰德为筹措赏金,跟随屠宰场老板老尤误入盗猎团伙,遇到盗猎惯犯老八等暴徒,经历盗猎生死局,与虎对峙,最终放弃执念,对抗盗猎分子,完成小人物英雄式成长,最终暴徒也被尚飞一举擒获。
回复 :For Goran and his team of amateur shooters, the plan was almost perfect: to enter a hypermarket at night to rob a jeweler. But these "broken arms" had not anticipated the arrival of a vigil like no other: Walter, a former African warlord who will send them to hell ...
回复 :在1950年初成立,在斯大林的个人崇拜。故事开始在省城。 tomek的父亲,一个家庭军队的前成员被逮捕,所以离开母亲抚养两个孩子单独的任务。楼上的邻居自杀,当她的丈夫也被逮捕并运到战俘营。这是冬天,让孩子保持在学校他们的手,温暖的手打败自己。在学校教师的平均,狭隘的理想主义者,当他们问孩子们去教堂星期日,全班站起来打败宣传课的目的。 tomek被送到培训学校在夏季。在那里,他把他的头抽水思想吸收,当他的父亲从监狱获释,他发现另一个男孩他已经离开了。by Google translate