回复 :December 23, 1983: Just days before Christmas, the Oliverio family readies their Feast of the Seven Fishes, an Italian tradition stretching back to the old country of Calabria. Amidst the preparations, Tony Oliverio, a young man with big dreams and a bigger heart, wonders if he'll find love this Christmas season or spend it alone with his loud and loving family - Great Grandma Nonnie, Grandpa Johnny, Great Uncles Frankie and Carmine, his parents, his brother, and a host of friends. When Sarah, the girlfriend of his best friend Angelo, introduces Tony to Beth, it looks like Tony's holiday experience might take a turn for the better. That is unless Nonnie thinks Beth isn't good enough for her great-grandson, and Beth's Ivy League suitor doesn't steal her heart first. Come on inside, where it's warm, and the smells of cooking fish permeate the air, and let's have a visit.
回复 :克莱尔(塔莉娅·莱德饰)和艾丹(乔丹·费舍饰)约定在上大学前分手,并在分手前一晚进行了一场有纪念意义的约会。两人回首了一起走过的日子,包括第一次见面、亲吻和争吵,并开始认真思考是继续在一起,还是就此分道扬镳?《初识与告别之间》是一部精彩的浪漫喜剧,由热门系列《致所有我曾爱过的男孩》的制片人打造,改编自珍妮弗·E·史密斯的畅销小说。
回复 :史提迪是一个热爱棒球的人,他甚至疯狂到没有一个正当的工作,唯独能和棒球相提并论的只有他的女友,珍。与珍相处过后他非常想要娶她为妻,但必须先要有份正当的工作,更重要的是因为铁路公司想私下低价收购祖父的包柏马车公司,她希望能确定她祖父的马车事业能被保住。史提迪想尽办法组织邻居、老朋友甚至流浪狗,用尽所有方式阻挠他们的计划。