回复 :抗日战争爆发后,举国上下大江南北掀起抗战热潮。新四军战地服务团团长马靖平(黄维德 饰)亲临牛行监狱,动员刚刚被任命的服务团秘书长杜铁英(刘威葳 饰)出狱,一同参加服务团的组建工作。热血青年向瑞云(赵子琪 饰)、林蕤(徐翠翠 饰)、盛子钰(阎娜 饰)、陶七妹(张佳宁 饰)以及知识分子文曰白(班赞 饰)等,纷纷从四面八方投身到南昌,加入到这支新四军刚刚组建的优秀队伍中。他们跟着部队辗转各地,排新戏、搞文学创作,从另一条战线配合全国的抗战工作。皖南事变后,服务团部分干部战士被囚禁在上饶集中营,在狱中,向瑞云与国民党反动派进行了英勇不屈的斗争......
回复 :讲述井之头五郎(松重丰 饰)在冲绳跨年度假的美食之旅。
回复 :Since the cult success of Merci Patron!, activist/journalist/filmmaker François Ruffin has become an MP. Here, he attempts to table a law aimed at upholding the rights of what in Quebec are known as caregivers, and shows us in passing how a law whose need seems patently obvious is put together, debated, voted on and . . . dies on the battleground of French politics. A stirring documentary about social injustice that somehow manages to make us bust a gut laughing as we rage with indignation. And also cry at the beauty of it all, thanks to the director’s humanist sensibility and a deft play between reality and fiction.