浅田A famous rapper, disillusioned with the music industry and the pressures of being a celebrity, leaves the city and his career behind to find himself in a small-town farming community.
浅田A famous rapper, disillusioned with the music industry and the pressures of being a celebrity, leaves the city and his career behind to find himself in a small-town farming community.
回复 :一对夫妻婚姻触礁,沮丧之际在某个有趣的 App 里找到曙光:只要对彼此付出就能得到奖励,结果却被要赢得 App 点数的狂热冲昏了头,深陷其中无法自拔。
回复 :巴士售票员阿义见义勇为,在巴士上救援了受扒手欺侮的少女阿珍。阿珍活泼美丽,两人不久坠入爱河。婚后,他们共创幸福生活,有了可爱的儿子。阿义在家和在工作岗位上勤勤恳恳,但是,巴士售票员的工作很辛苦,生活也无规律,阿义亲眼目睹一位老售票员因为胃出血而惨死。不久,公司为了节约开支,实行无人售票,阿义失去了工作。为了生活,他拼命学习驾驶技术,在阿珍的支持下,他总算当了司机,保住了饭碗。
回复 :2015年4月,伦敦哈顿花园地区的地下安全储蓄机构哈顿花园安全储蓄公司被4名老年男性盗窃这一事件被称为“英国法律史上最大的盗窃案”,其总价值可能高达2亿英镑。