回复 :EXHIBITION ON SCREEN is thrilled to present one of the most talked about exhibitions of the year. Dedicated to the portrait work of Paul Cézanne, the exhibition opens in Paris before traveling to London and Washington.One can’t appreciate 20th century art without understanding the significance and genius of Paul Cézanne. Featuring interviews with curators and experts from the ...
回复 :溫泉旅館房內,脫衣舞孃搔首弄姿,跳著華麗舞步,表演到最後演變成一場同性秀,兩名纏綿在一起的黑髮舞孃,讓人血脈賁張,身心力竭…
回复 :由香與誠是同班同學,他們同時來自單親家庭。某天,他們正在萌芽的愛情,因為雙方父母的結合而起了重大的變化。這時,誠的補習老師惠裡子出現,更令事情一發不可收拾……….純一與妹妹互相傾慕,但礙於近親關憬只好埋在心坎裡。一次意外令惠裡子喪失記憶,甚至連純一也全無印象。純一決定將他們的兄妹關係隱瞞,二人更因此熱戀起來…..劇中兩女和數男發生多次性事,最後她們的選擇是明確的。