舌尖上Two closeted actors on their way to their first high profile awards ceremony fight both expectation and each other, as intimacy and insecurity collide in the back seat of a car.
舌尖上Two closeted actors on their way to their first high profile awards ceremony fight both expectation and each other, as intimacy and insecurity collide in the back seat of a car.
回复 :The inspirational true story of World Champion Boxer Vinny Pazienza. Who after a near fatal car crash which left him not knowing if he'd ever walk again...Made one of sports most incredible comebacks.
回复 :《新兵正传II》(英文名:Ah Boys To Men 2)是2013年的一部新加坡贺岁电影,由梁智强执导及编剧,此片是荣登了新加坡影史上最卖座的华语片《新兵正传》下集,将在2013年2月1日上映。Ken很快地成为了一个有上进心的新兵,并与搭档罗邦起了冲突,过后也将上演成极暴力的争执。他的其中一个队友I.P. Man则为了要向夺走他女友的男人报仇。
回复 :本片由黃泰來導演,黃岳泰攝影。故事描述,羅莽、尹相林、強漢、湯鎮宗及左燕翎五人偷渡赴港時,湯不慎誤踏陷阱,動彈不得,羅等欲救不果,看駐軍逼近,只得捨湯而去。四人到港後,三男淪為黑幫打手,一次私下行劫時,失手被捕入獄;期間羅因鬧事被加判刑期,然尹、強出獄後即被神秘殺害,督察白彪疑是三人之仇家所為,遂提前釋放羅,企圖引出兇手。羅出獄後屢遭追殺,疑是左所為,蓋行劫當日乃由左接應,但左至今未動賊贓分毫……