名门CAN witnesses a murder in a small town.The police don't allow him to leave after his testimony.On the other hand,a quarantine is declared due to rabid dogs.The whole town turns into purgatory with no exit is almost at the edge of insanity.
名门CAN witnesses a murder in a small town.The police don't allow him to leave after his testimony.On the other hand,a quarantine is declared due to rabid dogs.The whole town turns into purgatory with no exit is almost at the edge of insanity.
回复 :Gippi is a 14-year-old girl who lives in Simla with her mother Pappi and little brother Booboo. She is overweight and awkward and doesn't know how to handle the physical, emotional and social changes happening in her life. In school, she is a backbencher and is constantly bullied by the popular queen-bee Shamira. At home, she's trying to figure out how to deal with living in a broken home. In the middle of all this chaos, she falls madly in love with an older, brooding heartbreaker. When her love story comes to a humiliating end, and she is publicly scorned, she decides to take her life in her hands and accepts Shamira's challenge to stand against her in the school elections. Whatever the final outcome might be, Gippi makes sure she has a great time in the journey, filling it with delicious desserts, funny teachers, school crushes, and Shammi Kapoor dances. Gippi is a coming-of-age story of an ordinary, overweight girl, who, through the course of the film, learns to love herself for ...
回复 :故事发生在禁酒令执行期间,私酒买卖成为了黑帮分子们赚钱谋利的最佳手段。达利(大卫·帕特里克·凯利 David Patrick Kelly 饰)和史托兹(尼德·艾森伯格 Ned Eisenberg 饰)分别是爱尔兰黑手党和意大利黑手党的首脑,两个帮派因为争夺地盘的问题而闹得剑拔弩张。某日,镇上来了一位神秘的流浪抢手,自称史密斯(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰),经验丰富的他很快就看出了盘旋在小镇上空一触即发的紧张气氛,喜欢铤而走险的史密斯决定在此大捞一笔。史密斯游走于达利和史托兹之间,很快就赚得盆满钵满,然而,没过多久,他就发现,自己陷入了危机之中,成为了两大黑手党都想要除掉的对象。
回复 :導 演:胡鵬編 劇:王風出品公司:華僑影業公司語 言:粵語片 種:奇幻片 戏曲年 代:古裝主 演:關德興、羅麗娟、李香琴、劉家良、石堅附 註:童星戲角 色:哪吒首映日映: 1957-8-24劇情簡介:五雷神為石磯娘娘報仇,以除妖為名,用五雷真火毁李靖府邸,劈死李夫人。靖追究不果,子哪吒復仇心切,與五雷神鬥法,震動天庭。王母娘娘罰五雷神修葺天宮,事件始平息。