回复 :Former British Army Captain Ed Stafford was the first person ever to walk the length of the Amazon River, but surviving completely alone on a desert island is his biggest adventure yet. Can he last 60 days on an uninhabited Fijian island with absolutely nothing? No survival tools, no rations, no clothes, no film crew... It's a daunting challenge and nobody's ever done it before. In fierce tropical heat, he has only hours to find water before dehydration ends his attempt before it's begun. He must master the island - and his fears - to find food and water, light fire, build a proper shelter, and progress from mere survival to the point where he could stay forever. Filmed entirely by Ed himself, there's never been a more authentic survival series on TV
回复 :《梦想改造家》是东方卫视打造的一档大型装修真人秀节目。节目在全国范围内,遴选有居住困难的普通家庭,在限定费用中,通过设计师的匠心巧思,完成看似不可能完成的家装梦想。节目大胆突破了以色彩和软装为主的传统装修形式,革命性的聚焦在空间改变和功能实现上,狭小的空间,奇葩的房型,看似无法解决的居住困难,都由顶尖设计师在有限的资金,有限的空间里根据委托人的特殊需求进行彻底的改造,真正解决委托家庭的住房难题。它通过聚焦全国范围内不同地域特色的建筑物,不同类型和背景的家庭故事,揭示家给予人的意义,见证家装改造给予人的幸福。
回复 :《首尔乡巴佬》是一部由韩国tvN电视台推出,通过只熟悉首尔的"首尔乡巴佬”去嘉宾生活过的小区进行体验的hardcore local综艺节目。在小区的传说(嘉宾)们亲自选出的打卡地中,分享回忆并带给大家无限欢乐。