回复 :李秋霞幼患心疾,经其父亲李伯豪好友方医生诊断后,证实为先天性不良心漏症,豪为免家人担忧,故将此事藏于心底,霞在中学毕业会上认识了华侨马国辉,互生情愫。方医生之子方子良对霞心存爱意,而秋霞之妹秋云却也对良芳心暗许,因此云恨霞夺之所爱,并于争吵中推门压着霞之手指,导致心病发作。豪临终前与云和好,并告知其深爱辉,姐妹情油然重生。为免辉日后哀痛,霞故意与良亲热,辉果误霞变心,辞职回国。云亦误会俩人之关系,气愤返家,无意中发现霞之日记,始知事情真相。圣诞假期,霞举家出国旅行,步出机场。见辉迎面而来。在欢乐声中,霞含笑倒逝辉怀中。
回复 :剧情描述向来以利为出发的「疯狂电视台」总经理罗总(纳豆饰),与流氓土豪David哥(顏正国饰)暗中勾结,无所不用其极地搞垮电视台收视率后,再以贱价将电视台的经营权卖给David哥获利。电视节目做一檔、倒一檔的制作人小叶(欧汉声饰)在不知情的状况下被罗总升任「疯狂电视台」节目总监。对于做节目有无限热情的小叶,和热爱表演的好搭檔阿比(刘冠廷饰)、以及来自马来西亚有追星梦的少女Diva (林明祯饰),三人在完全没有资金、没有人力的情况下却制作出各种疯狂的节目,意外引起了收视热潮与讨论,眼看计划即将失败的罗总,这时竟下令将三人裁员,失去人生舞台的三人,此时看到疯狂电视台正在徵选「超级制作人」,以为有了再度重返电视台的机会,没想到却将面临一场出乎意外的危机风暴。
回复 :This is a brilliant surrealistic film.But also a fully realistic story about a time when the brave avant-guarde artists were trying to explore the unknown landscapes of human possibilities.The contrast between two realities the poor village and the dadaist artists is shown very smart and brings the possibility of changing the world by the art.Unfortunately, that progressive ideals of making the world better by revealing new areas of imagination, that ruled in the first half of XX century, were crushed by the war.And, the tragedy finishes the artistic ideals are dead, international art brotherhood also, but, as a real disaster Yugoslavia is also dead, as a country, but as an artistic vision of nation's brotherhood, too.So, the art falls apart