回复 :An offbeat, laugh track-lacking sitcom about a bizarrely dysfunctional family, the center of which is Malcolm, the middle of the two brothers who still live at home. His eldest (and favorite) sibling, Francis, boards at military school because his parents believe it will reform him and keep him out of trouble. Malcolm often has a hard time coping with his family life, but he has more troubles to contend with when he starts receiving special treatment at school after being diagnosed as an intellectually advanced genius.
回复 :
回复 :号称日本的帕里斯希尔顿,各类新闻都得替她的绯闻绕道的的美田园爱丽丝(上户彩 饰),爸爸是酒店大王,妈妈是知名女星,可谓是掌上明珠的她日子过得异常奢靡。什么都不缺的爱丽丝唯独因为父亲的忙碌和母亲的早逝,而缺乏家庭的温暖,和运动员、音乐家甚至是政治家有过绯闻的爱丽丝却未能从中得到想要的爱。直到有一天,爱丽丝邂逅了和她完全是另外一类人的穷小子佐藤太郎(上地雄辅 饰)。太郎的妻子在六年前去世,留下了三个孩子由他一人照顾,生活虽然过的辛苦但是却很快乐。这种发自内心的幸福感让爱丽丝很羡慕,她开始关注起这个穷小子,甚至慢慢爱上了他……