回复 :The richest kid in the world, Richie Rich, has everything he wants, except companionship. While representing his father at a factory opening, he sees some kids playing baseball across the street. Richie wants to join in, but they don't want him around. When a plot to kill the Rich family is devised by Rich Industries' top executive, Laurence Van Dough, Richie must take over control of the company while searching for his lost parents with the help of some new friends.
回复 :取材自真人真事的黑帮英雄片。沃伦.贝蒂饰演美国梦的追逐者巴格西席格,他原是叱吒东岸的黑道杀手,在前往西岸洛杉矶开疆拓土之余,他看上了性感的女明星维琴妮亚.希尔,展开一段火药味浓厚的恋情。另一方面,他看上了拉斯维加斯一处牧牛的荒地,决定投入巨资把它建成美酒笙歌的豪华赌场。
回复 :Is it just another evening at the hugely popular Italian restaurant of proprietor and bookmaker Louis Cropa in New York? Anything but as tonight's guests include; a local police detective and his wife specially invited by the owner; on the balcony rival bookmaker gangsters from Queens who want to become partners in the restaurant; in the corner renowned food critic 'the food nymph' is her usual demanding self; and at the bar, seemingly unnoticed, is Ken. As the evening continues enter Duncan, inveterate gambler and sous-chef on-the-line in the frenetic kitchen downstairs, who acts as the catalyst that causes the evening to draw to its inevitable, explosive, deadly conclusion. Written by Mark Smith <msmith@osi.co.uk>