回复 :脑洞大开高分奇片,地球人外星人千里奔现!唐志军(杨皓宇 饰)是一家诞生于上世纪八十年代的科幻杂志——《宇宙探索》编辑部的主编。现如今的杂志社日渐式微,唐志军也终成落魄潦倒,鳏寡孤独之人。但他却依然几十年如一日的痴迷于寻找地外文明。终于有一天,他接收到了一个疑似来自宇宙深处的异常信号,于是他召集同是天涯沦落人的伙伴们,带着那一个困惑他终生的问题,再一次踏上寻找外星人的旅途。
回复 :Alan Yentob travels to the ghetto in Venice with award-winning novelist Howard Jacobson as he embarks on a retelling of Shakespeare's most performed play, The Merchant of Venice. Through a series of lively - often fiery - interviews, they examine the charge of anti-Semitism against Shakespeare, whose character Shylock remains one of the most odious and divisive fictional Jews in history.How did the moneylender from Venice become such a useful propaganda tool in Nazi Germany? And how much of a liberty will Jacobson be taking when he uproots the action to modern-day Alderley Edge, and audaciously reinterprets the infamous 'pound of flesh'?Interviewees include Antony Sher, Anthony Julius and Stephen Greenblatt.
回复 :前意大利总理西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼畅谈他的生活,包括性丑闻、贪污审判,以及和普京的交情。