初代When a young coffee shop owner is threatened with repossession she must take a chance with life and love as she fights to save her business
初代When a young coffee shop owner is threatened with repossession she must take a chance with life and love as she fights to save her business
回复 :As the film opens on an Oklahoma farm during the depression, two simultaneous visitors literally hit the Wagoneer home: a ruinous dust storm and a convertible crazily driven by Red, the missus' brother. A roguish country-western musician, he has just been invited to audition for the Grand Ole Opry, his chance of a lifetime to become a success. However, this is way back in Nashville, Red clearly drives terribly, and he's broke and sick with tuberculosis to boot. Whit, 14, seeing his own chance of a lifetime to avoid "growing up to be a cotton picker all my life," begs Ma to let him go with Uncle Red as driver and protege. Thus begins a picaresque journey both hilarious and poignant.
回复 :本片根据真实事件改编。鲍勃(格雷戈·金尼尔 Greg Kinnear 饰)是一名风度翩翩的大学教授,深受老师和同学们的喜爱。课余时间里,鲍勃喜欢搞些小发明,某日,他设想了一种能够自动刷除车窗上的雨水的装置——雨刷器,并且将它发明了出来。雨刷器刚刚问世,却并没有得到厂商的重视,可是,没过多久,鲍勃便发现,这种装置在未经过他授权的情况下,开始大量被底特律汽车制造商运用在它们的商品之上。愤怒的鲍勃一纸诉状将汽车厂商告上了法庭,没想到这场旷日持久的官司却将鲍勃和他的家人拖入了一个深不见底的漩涡之中。维权之路漫长而又艰难,期间,鲍勃甚至收到了对于他生命的死亡威胁。
回复 :汪菲杀死亲妹夫锒铛入狱,妹妹汪露却与前姐夫走到一块。八年后提前出狱的汪菲被汪露接回家住。面对昔日的情人高俊和亲妹妹汪露,汪菲陷入巨大情感纠葛,离家出走又被高俊带回。几番波折,当汪露发现高俊与汪菲又要死灰复燃时,对姐姐的关爱骤然变成嫉恨。此时,警方却又发现另一具尸体,八年前案情有待转机,是否凶手还有其人尚未结论。汪露此时再也按耐不住,杀意起,阴谋成。但是汪菲最后的善意却彻底融化了汪露的记恨……