色色级Do we truly know one another? Every one of us has three lives: a public, a private and secret one. What we once stored in our memories is now being stored in our phones - what happens when these are made public?
色色级Do we truly know one another? Every one of us has three lives: a public, a private and secret one. What we once stored in our memories is now being stored in our phones - what happens when these are made public?
回复 :全球最大智能玩具公司T-toy的CEO在出席一场新品发布会前发生空难而下落不明,其孙子田大毛与该公司股东马万才成为了新任董事长候选人。马万才在派人去偷取田家的机密时导致田大毛发生意外,田大毛变身成了大毛狗。因为怀疑马万才的助理小雨是盗取机密的主谋,大毛狗在死党杨小书的配合下成功潜入小雨家展开调查。
回复 :二战期间,卡萨布兰卡是欧洲逃往美国的必经之地,那里鱼龙混杂,局势紧张。里克(亨佛莱?鲍嘉 Humphrey Bogart 饰)是一个神秘的商人,他在卡萨布兰卡开了一家人气很旺的夜总会,并拥有两张宝贵的通行证。一天,反纳粹人士维克多和妻子伊尔莎(英格丽?褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)来到夜总会,原来他们正在逃避纳粹的追捕。碰巧的是,里克发现,伊尔莎竟然是他的旧日情人。那段爱曾经刻骨铭心,却因为一个误会而终止。而当误会消解时,伊尔莎和里克的感情还是不可避免的重燃了。里克手上的两张通行证能帮助维克多度过难关,但这样一来,伊尔莎是决定留下,还是离去,他们的爱情在政治和伦理的推波逐流中走向何方。
回复 :A deserted pond. Two lonely children fall under the spell of this wild place that, little by little, draws them closer to each other and gives them the strength to cope with life. Seen through their eyes, and through their imaginations, the pond becomes a secret kingdom, both marvellous and frightening, thronging with creatures born from dreams or nightmares. The children experience an initiation, brief and intense, from which they will emerge transformed.