日韩Tracy meets Nick in the third installment of the trilogy, and he helps her save an original draft of The New Colossus in exchange for her helping him run his restaurant. Tracy begins to feel uneasy as they get closer.
日韩Tracy meets Nick in the third installment of the trilogy, and he helps her save an original draft of The New Colossus in exchange for her helping him run his restaurant. Tracy begins to feel uneasy as they get closer.
回复 :日本出版界巨子角川春树亲自导演的古装战争巨制,在加拿大拍摄的外景重现了日本战国时代两军对垒的气势和格局。剧情描述上杉谦信在武将辅佐下灭兄成为越后国领袖,并以无敌的骑兵团威震四方,有"越后之虎''称号",而在群山环绕中的甲斐国国君武田信玄同凯空窥越后国丰饶土地,施计贿赂谦信的文臣武将,谦信囚禁了叛将的妻女却不忍心取二人性命,因其笃信佛教而不忍杀戮,但命运却逼使他跟武田信玄展开长达十二年的争霸战。本片在剧情阐述方面比较复杂,对不黯日本战国历史的观从形成一个负担,但在制作上不惜工本,服装布景摄影都美仑美奂,作战场面亦精彩可观。
回复 :In Uruguay, they don't say cheese in front of the camera - they say whisky. Beneath the artificially photographed smiles, however, is a blueprint for the "South American Gothic," minus the farm and the forks. These Montevidean folks' stony expressions belie a life gripped frozen by accustomed routines. So it goes with an old Jewish bachelor who owns an ageing sock factory. When his estranged younger brother decides to visit for their mother's burial, he asks his employee Marta to pose as his wife. The resulting encounter creates clumsy silences that are uncomfortably comic. Grand Prize, Tokyo Film Festival and FIPRESCI prize from Cannes.這一代的年輕人真係好老成好cool,兩個新導演還不到三十,便已拍出型到飛起黑色到痺的老人寂寞晚境。話說襪廠老闆阿積孤家寡人,寂寞到死,一天飛來鴻雁,巴西的弟弟話來拜訪。他要表面風光,唯有求忠厚下屬瑪泰暫充老婆。兩個名字同樣叫孤獨的六十幾歲人忽然親近,彆扭得不在話下。口若懸河的巴西弟弟一出現,畫面調子大轉彎。三人海邊度假,瑪泰沉睡的神經率先波動,往後發生的事估都估唔到。郭利斯馬基式冷面幽默扭橋扭到熱帶南美,黑色照舊輕描淡寫功力同樣高超,另一種風情絕對原創。去年康城驚艷,連奪國際影評人獎及原創觀點大獎。Source: 29th HKIFF (2005)
回复 :安纳托利亚的大地充满灵气,人间的龃龉却为它添上哀愁。老父担忧种满白杨树的林地会被政府没收,他恳切的眸子盛载过叶子间洒下的春意。儿子回家乡找拍片题材,叫齐亲朋戚友权充演员,一心想把大自然凝定在画面上。九岁的侄儿随身袋著一只鸡蛋,要安然渡过四十天,好让其父放心给他买只音乐手表。导演舍兰(Nuri Bilge Ceylan)回味著上次回乡拍摄《小城岁月》的日子,诉说牵动人心的一些小事,亲自拍下激情暗涌的平民面孔(片中双亲是他父母),镜头的呼吸与心眼的张望同步,媲美伊朗的基阿鲁斯达米,在国内外赢得共十七个奖项。