为了来之不易的新挚爱,星球巴瑞迫切希望逃离自己的过往,星球全身心投入到表演当中。然而职业杀手不是想不干就能不干的,而且诉诸暴力似乎并不只是外力作用的结果——一开始到底是什么让巴瑞拿起了屠刀?从现在起,做一个幸福的人 / 排练、表演,花成蜜就从现在起,关心女友和导师 / 我有一座舞台,面朝观众,灯启帷开从……现在开始
为了来之不易的新挚爱,星球巴瑞迫切希望逃离自己的过往,星球全身心投入到表演当中。然而职业杀手不是想不干就能不干的,而且诉诸暴力似乎并不只是外力作用的结果——一开始到底是什么让巴瑞拿起了屠刀?从现在起,做一个幸福的人 / 排练、表演,花成蜜就从现在起,关心女友和导师 / 我有一座舞台,面朝观众,灯启帷开从……现在开始
回复 :任职于东济商事经营战略部11年的野田奈央子(筱原凉子 饰)是一名爽朗干练的OL。已经32岁却仍单身的她被女性后辈们视为倾诉秘密的可靠对象,虽然心内暗自厌烦,每次还是会不自觉的说“OK”。公司新进职员黑泽明彦(赤西仁 饰)年轻帅气,尊称奈央子为“大姐头”的他似乎对奈央子很有好感,但奈央子却觉得差距太大的恋爱不切实际。奈央子带黑泽去高尔夫球场应酬,遇到了前同事绘里子(友坂理惠 饰)。当发现绘里子的丈夫泽木(加藤雅也 饰)就是曾在地铁里令自己心动不已的男人后,奈央子对于爱情和婚姻的苦恼愈发加剧了:是该服从安排相亲结婚,还是放纵自己卷入婚外情,又或者,勇敢接受比自己小了10岁的黑泽的追求?本剧根据日本女作家林真理子的畅销小说《三十岁的女人》改编。
回复 :It was the age of Da Vinci and Michelangelo, of enlightened creativity and unparalleled intellectual achievement. But it was also the age of Machievelli, of rampant lawlessness, incessant war and unspeakable depravity. At the heart of the world order was the Vatican, the arbiter of conflicts between kingdoms and empires. And at the center of the Vatican was a man whose quest for power would propel him to seek the ultimate prize, the holy see of Rome. He was a man whose name would become synonymous with ruthlessness, and whose reign as pope would be remembered as the most infamous chapter of the history of the Catholic church -Rodrigo Borgia. His four children -Juan, the oldest, a prideful, lazy, unscrupulous sexual predator, Cesare, a young man torn between a faith that was not his calling and his dark violent nature, Lucretia, a young girl discovering the secret power that a women's sexuality holds...
回复 :Rosemary's Baby is the modern-day adaptation of the 1967 best-selling suspense novel by Ira Levin. The story centers on a young married couple (Saldana and Adams) who move into a Paris apartment that has a haunted past. After getting pregnant, the wife becomes increasingly suspicious that both her husband and their neighbors will have ulterior motives when her child is born.