回复 :20世纪30年代,抗日战争爆发,中华民族到了生死存亡的危机时刻。出身军阀家庭的孟云霄(王新军 饰)此前曾在慕尼黑军校接受了最为严苛的训练和磨砺,中日开战的消息将其带回祖国,谁知所乘的飞机却被日军击中,迫降在国、共、日、匪多方势力犬牙交错、凶险非常的凤凰山。在此期间遭遇了杀人如麻的蛇蝎美女匪头火凤凰(李彩桦 饰)以及多才多艺善良美丽的八路军文工团长李淑蔚(秦海璐 饰)。几经波澜,孟云霄加入匪帮,平定四方的土匪势力,更与八路军以武会友,把酒言欢。在此之后,李淑蔚被孟云霄用十挺机枪换上山,割据一方的土匪势力却在儿女情长、民族大义的感召下成长为一支抵抗外敌入侵的生力军。凤凰山抗日独立纵队的传奇,就在孟云霄的领导下书写流传……
回复 :《陈二狗的妖孽人生》改编自作家烽火戏诸侯的同名小说。是由上海浮生若梦文化传播有限公司制作,黄凯执导,赵炳锐、王姿允、余思潞、刘波、郭家诺等主演的网络剧。该剧讲述了以陈二狗为主的底层群体辗转于大城市之间热血逐梦的励志故事。该剧于2016年10月10日在腾讯视频播出。
回复 :Mariano Llinás’s 868-minute La flor was one of the highlights of IFFR 2019; now, the Argentinian director is back with a film about Italian-Argentine singer Ignacio Corsini. “The greatest singer of tangos and Argentine classics”, says Llinás, who, like in La flor, regularly appears in front of the camera himself. On 9 July – Argentina’s Independence Day – Llinás sets off in Buenos Aires with his regular cameraman Agustín Mendilaharzu to re-record ‘Corsini interpreta a Blomberg y Maciel’, an album made in 1929 by lyricist Hector Pedro Blomberg and composer Enrique Maciel, as an ode to Juan Manuel de Rosas, leader of the Argentine Confederation.Llinás visits the places that feature in the songs and goes in search of the stories behind the album. Resulting in great entertainment, with songs such as ‘La pulpera de Santa Lucia’ including lyrics like ‘she was blonde, her blue eyes reflected the glory of the day, and she sang like a lark’.