由演员金英光和李先彬主演的电影《Mission Possible》公开主海报,绝地计划并确定将于2月17日上映。电影讲述根据线报,绝地计划大量枪支流入了韩国,新情报员"柳多喜"将被派往韩国。虽然遇到了决定给予帮助的国情院"优秀"人员,但是他出入事件现场展开调查却漏洞百出,两人开始起了争执,但为了寻找线索而见面的人全部被杀,两人突然成为嫌疑人,面对一发不可收拾的危机两人一起克服的故事。
由演员金英光和李先彬主演的电影《Mission Possible》公开主海报,绝地计划并确定将于2月17日上映。电影讲述根据线报,绝地计划大量枪支流入了韩国,新情报员"柳多喜"将被派往韩国。虽然遇到了决定给予帮助的国情院"优秀"人员,但是他出入事件现场展开调查却漏洞百出,两人开始起了争执,但为了寻找线索而见面的人全部被杀,两人突然成为嫌疑人,面对一发不可收拾的危机两人一起克服的故事。
回复 :有人說過「十七歲」是一個具有魔力的數字,因為十七歲正好是青春怒放的時期,離法定的成人還有最後一段的萌昧期。大多數人的十七歲都是在汗水與淚水交織的高中校園度過的,十七歲的生命充滿各種曖昧與可能。四十五歲則是另一個令人遐想的生命階段,因為在此標注了生命中點的里程碑,準備跨過的是「不惑」的關卡。四十五歲的他們抱著一顆曾經熱血的心展開了一趟追尋高中失聯同學的旅程,大家都以為旅程的終點就是與高中同學歡聚、慶祝同學會,沒想到,等待著他們的卻是一個個沒有逆料到的生命驚奇―― 包括中年失業、子女教養、夫妻關係、身心健康、父母健康、自我實踐與生死大事等問題,彷佛要通過了這重重的考驗,生命才能真的邁入不惑的旅程。於是,旅途上的他們與那些久違的年輕夢想、熾燃理念與純真初心相逢了,原來,他們一直在尋找的不是什麼失落的青春歲月或失聯的旅伴,而是那一個個被遺忘的「原來的自己」。旅程如斯奇妙,最後帶著他們一路返回了自己的「初心」。在這個期中休息站,他們盤整了自己生命的得失,加滿了油,再次啟程,往生命後半段的坦蕩旅途一路駛去,這次的終點將是圓融與完滿。
回复 :本片用一种现实与记忆穿插的方式勾勒了男主人公X(吉奥吉欧·艾伯塔基 Giorgio Albertazzi 饰)与女主人公A(德菲因·塞里格 Delphine Seyrig 饰)公剪不断理还乱的情感纠葛。X的记忆中对于巴洛克宫殿里的亭台楼阁如数家珍,在他的描述性旁白中,人们 得以感受到他内心巨大的波澜。在剧场舞台上,戏子正在表演着离愁别绪的桥段。观众席上X跟贵妇A对视良久。歇息之时,剧场响起舞曲,X向A邀舞,两人在近距离表达了对彼此的感受。A觉得这个X是个关注自己的陌生人,但是X却讲述了去年与她发生的一段鲜为人知的故事。期间,还穿插了X跟A丈夫M(莎查•皮托夫 Sacha Pitoëff 饰)游戏对决的场景……
回复 :"Veteran experimental filmmakers Danielle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub helmed this unusual adaptation of a novel by Elio Vittorini. Focused on the triumphs and failures of a group of laborers and farm hands who pooled their resources to operate an alternative collective farm after the end of World War II, Operai, Contadini features a cast of 12 actors who read aloud from Vittorini's book for the duration of the film, either reciting from memory or using a clearly visible script. Hardly designed to be a crowd pleaser, Operai, Contadini proved to be controversial among the audiences for its showings at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival, where it was screened as part of the Directors' Fortnight series." ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide"The group makes up a primitive community which seeks to erase not only the distress created by the war but also the hardships of life and hunger, and to protect them from violence, misery and fear. Amid the ruins of this post-war period, the characters build and invent a rapport both in their professional and daily lives between themselves, the sexes, generations, diverse social and geographical origins, and antagonistic political camps.The group maintains a 'register', a kind of diary, as if it were entering the minutes of an inquiry or a trial." -Steve Grayson"my favorite Straub-Huillet films are Too Early, Too Late and Operai, contadini (2001), both color landscape films with especially acute senses of place as well as of nature in all its harsh beauty." - Jonathan Rosenbaum