回复 :Straub-Huillet’s adaptation of Heinrich Böll’s biting satire Bonn Diary presents the reflections of a reactivated officer who is summon ed to the West German capital by the Ministry of Defense to establish an Academy for Military Memories. Straub considered his film to be an intervention against German rearmament in the Adenauer era: "Machorka-Muff is the story of a rape, the rape of a country on which an army has been imposed, a country which would have been happier without one."In "Machorka-Muff," Mr. Straub, employing the cold, somewhat expressionistic but always loquacious approach of his other films, comes closest to underlining the almost subliminal irony of his themes. He briefly outlines, through the performance of Colonel Machorka-Muff, a former Nazi who is reinstated in the Adenauer regime, the unchanging thinking of the Nazi and/or the military mind. As the colonel of the title, Dr. Johannes Eckhardt is properly cold and convincing as the believer in the rights of the soldier. Although it is the shortest and earliest of Mr. Straub's films, it is both the most lucid of his works and the most clearly indicative of his potential as an imaginative filmmaker.
回复 :TOM是一名时事追击版的特约女记者,负责专访传闻中的走私汽车大王,任务艰巨。为了保密行踪,遂下榻于报社驻大陆的联络人英叔家,因而结识了亚东,并聘请了他出任助手。TOM与东技巧地夺得汽车大王的走私犯罪证据。被他派手下追杀,千钧一发这际,青蜂侠从天而降,将坏人打个落花流水,青蜂侠功成身退又翩然消失,TOM更感惘然若失。于是,TOM立志留下,誓要找出青蜂侠……
回复 :大提琴手胡美睿(佟丽娅 饰)近一段时间经常遭到可怕幻象的困扰,她甚至听见一个女人凄厉的尖叫:“我会回来的!”。虽然担任摄影师的男友苏炫(王海祥 饰)百般安慰,但是根本无法缓解美睿的恐惧。濒临崩溃之际,美睿打电话给她的好友之一——某医院护士杨雪(刘嘉 饰),并且告诉对方纪小婉(胡蓉蓉 饰)回来的可怕消息。纪小婉是杨雪所在医院的医生冉平(立威廉 饰)的前女友,当初冉平为了给她庆生,曾叫上美睿、苏炫、杨雪等好朋友一起进山探险,结果途中遭遇了泥石流事故,小婉不幸在事故中丧生。当大家以为内心的创伤开始愈合的时候,殊不知不为人知的真相即将随着小婉的回来而浮出水面……本片根据叶聪灵的小说《实验的人生》改编。