回复 :Martin, an aging man, is abandoned in a psychiatric hospital, where a pharmaceutical business is conducting illegal drug tests. His granddaughter, Ana, discovers that her own father is directly involved and takes action into her own hands. As Ana and Martin run away to grant him his last wish, they must fight for their own survival against the vicious interests of the powerful company. Based on a true story.
回复 :影片改编自美国作家谢莉尔·斯瑞德2012年的同名自传,讲述婚姻触礁,母亲去世,自己在绝望中生活多年之后,虽然毫无徒步经验,却独自一人踏上Pacific Crest Trail 远足之路,通过长途步行找回自我的故事。
回复 :每个火车司机在职业生涯中会撞死20多人,这些死者通常是因为寻死、失误、酒醉或仅仅是一不小心而丧生。伊利亚是一名即将退休的火车司机,他共撞死了28人。他19岁的养子西玛继承了他的工作,西玛非常担心自己也会撞死人,而老司机们都安慰他说,一周内就会发生,但是几周过去后,没有发生一起撞人事故,而这也使得他精神极度紧绷。伊利亚为了帮助他,找到了许多想要自杀的人,让他们跳到车轨上自杀,但是最终这些人都放弃了自杀的念头。无奈之下,伊利亚自己躺在了车轨上想用自身的死来拯救西玛…