回复 :故事发生在1930年的英格兰,厄休拉(朱迪·丹奇 Judi Dench 饰)和珍妮特(玛吉·史密斯 Maggie Smith 饰)是一对相依为命的姐妹,在这个偏远寂静的小镇上,两人过着寂寞但不失宁静的生活。一日,一个名叫安德拉(丹尼尔·布鲁赫 Daniel Brühl 饰)的男孩被冲上了海滩,厄休拉和珍妮特发现了昏迷不醒的他并将他带回了家。安德拉是一名优秀的小提琴手,在两姐妹的精心照顾下,他逐渐的恢复了健康。安德拉的英俊和开朗为两姐妹一成不变的生活带来了久违的快乐,但在这个民风保守的小镇上,关于安德拉的风言风语从未停息。与此同时,厄休拉震惊的发现某种久违的情感在内心里慢慢复苏,这从未经历过的情感让她感到不知所措。
回复 :這部古代恐怖片為周旭江導演,徐天榮編劇,由70年代著名青春女星邢慧、小生楊帆主演,並有一代歌后顧媚客串。故事描述,青年商人聶雲鵬(楊帆)與馮愛嬌(邢慧),及僕人大火子與婢女魏銀兒雙雙成親,眾人皆欣羨其主僕艷福;卻原來馮實是封阿奴冤魂附體,二十年前家中遇盜,父母被殺後,強盜更將其姦殺,而此殺人劫寶之巨盜,即為聶之二叔仁厚及其友人王長壽、金如山等,封此來,乃一報前仇……
回复 :River of Grass has all the elements of a conventional road movie: a car, a gun, criminal plans, and young lovers on the run from an angry father who also happens to be a suspended police officer. But writer and director Kelly Reichardt has instead taken these familiar elements and fashioned an anti-road movie, a deadpan film that is more existentialist comedy than crime drama. The young lovers in question are Cozy, the cop's daughter, and Lee Ray, a shady character from the wrong end of town. Lee Ray comes into possession of a pistol, and soon he and Cozy find themselves unintentionally involved in a shooting. Fearing capture by the law, the two make plans to leave town, committing a series of robberies on the way. However, they don't manage to get very far; indeed, the film's central premise is how the romantic myth of lovers on the lam proves disappointing in the face of a far more pedestrian reality. This well-received, low-budget indie was shot on location in South Florida, placing its story against an appropriately depressed landscape of sun-bleached strip malls, barren highways and overgrown, swampy fields; the title is another name for the Florida Everglades.