保险销售员洪业是个勤快但嘴笨 不走运的大龄男青年,恋恋金娜家里逼婚 电话更是叫人头疼。金娜在一家酒店 大堂与欧阳老板见面相亲,恋恋同一家酒店 大堂里,洪业金娜相背而坐,在双方都 无法忍受谈话对象的无理后起身相遇, 金娜...
保险销售员洪业是个勤快但嘴笨 不走运的大龄男青年,恋恋金娜家里逼婚 电话更是叫人头疼。金娜在一家酒店 大堂与欧阳老板见面相亲,恋恋同一家酒店 大堂里,洪业金娜相背而坐,在双方都 无法忍受谈话对象的无理后起身相遇, 金娜...
回复 :Here's a modern-day film noir in which you're never sure what's real and what isn't real. There is a possibility you may get tired of guessing and give up on this film 3/4ths of the way through, as I almost did but it worth finishing. It also was better the second time aroundThe problem is just too many flashbacks. If some of those scenes were not replayed so often, or a few of the many twists eliminated, it would have been a super movie. It still was fascinating in parts. It grabs you, and you can't stop watching to see what the real story is. Along the way, is a bunch of nice colors and some nice film noir-type in the beginning and then during the ending credits.
回复 :一个南方海岛上的王子因涉嫌谋杀而被小刀贯心处死,尸体被装进一副树桩埋进地下。但是,由于岛上存在辐射,王子和树桩融合成怪兽,并开始向指控他谋杀的人复仇……
回复 :38岁的白领建筑设计师周舟(王可如饰)被客户的无理要求压迫倍感失落,在晚高峰拥堵的路上看到以少女时代的自己为封面的摄影展,陷入了深深的回忆中。