回复 :《9号秘事》第二季是由吉列尔莫·莫拉莱斯担任导演,《绅士联盟》成员史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿和里斯·谢尔史密斯自编自演,联合BBC推出的一部英国暗黑喜剧。该剧与《黑镜》结构类似,一集一个故事,每集故事都是独立的,第二季于2015年3-4月播出,一共由六个新故事组成。
回复 :A story about a love triangle and the real life of young people. Two brothers, Mai and Mhen, fell in love with the same woman, Pond. Because their family is poor, the two brothers had no choice but to get involved in illegal activities. On Bo's recommendation, they joined a car theft gang. To was the gang leader. Not long after that, Mai lost his father, Sorn, and Mhen learned about Mai and Pond's relationship. This time, Mai caught up in a lot of troubles. This includes To who was after him. Therefore, Mai had to solve all the troubles, be it about his relationship or people around him.
回复 :该剧翻拍自同名畅销书,由大检察厅检察官金雄亲自撰写,讲述自己从2000年毕业于司法研修院以来,历经18年检察官工作所经历的种种,金雄本人自称是“生活型检察官”,也通过检察官这一工作了解到了 人世间的种种。早前由首尔中央地方法院法官#文宥锡#撰写的《#汉谟拉比小姐#》就曾被成功搬上电视荧屏,在JTBC播出时获得了不错的口碑,此次由检察官书写的故事又将以怎样的形式被翻拍也引发关注。