回复 :Sleazy fur trader Jake Feldman will do anything for quality skin. When Jake crosses paths with fur trapper Jameson offering raccoon pelts caught at the sight of an ancient burial place, Jake jumps at the chance to cash in by stealing them in order to win the heart of a stripper named Shanna. But little does Jake know is that the raccoon pelts are cursed and will bring bloody revenge against anyone who touches them.
回复 :A young woman enlists in an underground game of pain endurance in the hope of winning the million dollar prize. She soon learns the real opponent is the man who's running the game, as he employs horrific methods to manipulate and defeat her.
回复 :痴迷练拳的唐龙(李小龙 饰)不远万里来到罗马帮助深陷麻烦的陈清华(苗可秀 饰),因某大老板(Jon T. Benn 饰)看中了清华饭店的地皮,为逼其就范,派流氓日夜骚扰。阿龙一分钟就撂倒了四名流氓,后又收服了饭店众伙计,打晕了埋伏在公寓的枪手(Homan Tapsell 饰),制服了大老板及其十余手下,救回了被掳走的清华。贼心不死的大老板从美国请来空手道高手Colt(Chuck Norris 饰),并将阿龙诱骗至斗兽场……