出品单位: 河南精视汇影文化传播本片讲述了一个自然风光秀丽、摩托有悠久历史文化的村庄,摩托为落实近年来国家环保政策及水土资源不再流失,依据自然优势自建小型影视文化产业基地,以此带动当地旅游产业发展的社会主义新农村变化的故事……
出品单位: 河南精视汇影文化传播本片讲述了一个自然风光秀丽、摩托有悠久历史文化的村庄,摩托为落实近年来国家环保政策及水土资源不再流失,依据自然优势自建小型影视文化产业基地,以此带动当地旅游产业发展的社会主义新农村变化的故事……
回复 :Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful Government minister, well-off and with a loving wife. All this is threatened when Mrs Cheveley appears in London with damning evidence of a past misdeed. Sir Robert turns for help to his friend Lord Goring, an apparently idle philanderer and the despair of his father. Goring knows the lady of old, and, for him, takes the whole thing pretty seriously.
回复 :A group of middle school kids stumble upon a chest full of incredible toys from the future. The discovery takes them on an adventure using their newfound toys to save their neighborhood and ultimately the world from a maniacal corporate madman. In the process, these loser kids learn they have the qualities they thought they were lacking all along.
回复 :冷战结束后,天控局面临被解散的危险,但是这个美国最大的特务机关,依旧担负着重要的使命。不过,近期天控局总部却遭受了突发性袭击,导致特工们都有被身份曝光的危险。其中也包括强壮如牛、身手不凡的23号特工(道恩•强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)。总部经过研究发现,袭击事件是一个叫盖不达集团的,为了迎敌,总部对分析家麦克斯韦(史蒂夫•卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 饰)委以重任,后者终于等到了一展身手的机会。于是,他积极参与了对付盖不达的行动,不过之前的两次演习都被他搞砸了。唯一的收获是,他跟99号特工(安妮•海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)结成了搭档,后者是唯一不怕身份曝光的特工。他们在飞机上遇到了一个疑似的恐怖分子,但是当他们出手时,却意外陷入了对方的圈套。此后,这对欢喜冤家又接连遇到一系列令人啼笑皆非的困境……©豆瓣