自梳19-year-old Moritz and Hannes have been best friends ever since they were kids. Everything changes the day Hannes is the victim of a motorcycle accident and falls into a coma. Moritz is convinced that his friend will wake up soon.
自梳19-year-old Moritz and Hannes have been best friends ever since they were kids. Everything changes the day Hannes is the victim of a motorcycle accident and falls into a coma. Moritz is convinced that his friend will wake up soon.
回复 :本片是一部励志科幻电子游戏竞技影片,本片展现了一群电子游戏竞技运动员在生活中本身形形色色的普通人,但是一旦他们进入比赛状态就和生活中完全不一样而是十分投入,十分敬业而且富有专业精神。该片中的四位主人公在各自的生活和训练中都遇到了不同的问题,如主人公韩熙她就面临之前队友退役,要重新选择队友,也有因为想赢取奖金会父亲治病而选择成为一名电子游戏竞技者参加比赛,他们或多或少遇见了很多问题,但是都没有放弃自己的初心和热爱,通过比赛的一步步深入,片中主人公也意识到电子游戏竞技和传统体育竞技有一样只有团结协作才能取得最后的冠军。
回复 :A 25-30-year old Hacienda-owner (David Hemmings) is misbehaving on women due to his traumatic youth; his mother (Alida Valli) covers him for his sadistic actions; however, when he wants the daughter of the mansion supervisor to serve for him, things seem to get totally out of hand. He 'tames' her, but when 'tamed' and finally married, the young woman (Andrea Rau) soon becomes the dominating person in the family.
回复 :1956年,日本防止买春法施行,原本兴旺一时的艺伎行业受到重创,从此江河日下,不复昨日辉煌。在东京花街经营艺伎馆的鸢奴(山田五十鈴 饰)更显吃力,此前她被男人骗取钱财,麾下的数名艺伎又各奔前程。偏偏鸢奴又是个个性颇强的女性,对待不喜欢的男人总是提不起兴趣。就这样,她和女儿胜代(高峰秀子 饰)以及其他几名艺伎过着东挪西借、节衣缩食的日子。因失去丈夫与孩子而失去生活来源的梨香(田中絹代 饰),为了生计来到鸢奴的艺妓馆担任女仆,亲眼见识到这些看似风光实则各有酸楚的女性真实的生活……本片根据幸田文的原作改编,并荣获1957年蓝丝带奖最佳女主角奖(山田五十铃)、1957年电影旬报最佳女主角奖、1957年每日电影最佳女主角和最佳艺术指导奖。